Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) Eastern New York Extension Wednesday, February 12, 2025 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Join Cornell Cooperative Extension of Orange and Oneida Counties, the Cornell Vegetable Program, Harvest NY, and the Eastern NY Horticulture Team on Feb. 12 for a remote Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) training. Good Agricultural Practices is a voluntary food safety audit program requiring minimum standards for the production, handling, packing, and storing of fresh fruits and vegetables, and is required by some buyers. Trainers will cover food safety best management practices related to worker training, preharvest assessments and wildlife management, water testing, postharvest handling, hygienic equipment design and efficient wash-pack setups, how to write a farm food safety plan, and more. The training will follow the USDA GAPs audit checklist so that farms will be prepared for an audit. A NYSDAM GAPs auditor will join us to discuss audit logistics and answer questions from participants. Following the course, we will offer a series of virtual office hours to follow up with course participants to assist them with writing their farm food safety plan, which is mandatory for the GAPs audit. Participants will receive a certificate of course completion after the training.The training cost is $10 per farm and includes access to a virtual folder of recordkeeping templates, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), audit checklists, course presentations, and more resources.Note that this course differs from the Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training Course in that it is specifically geared toward the GAPs audit checklist versus the federal food safety laws (Food Safety Modernization Act's Produce Safety Rule). The PSA Grower Training Course is required by farms covered by the FSMA PSR as a requirement of inspections, whereas the GAPs audit is voluntary. Both trainings provide a useful background in food safety for produce farms of all scales. All farms are welcome to attend both courses.Please reach out to Elisabeth Hodgdon ( or 518-650-5323) with questions and requests for accommodations. Requests for accommodations must be received by Feb. 1.The Zoom link will be emailed to you after you have registered. $10 Registration: ========================================= Office Closed Monday, February 17, 2025 12:00 pm - 12:00 pm ========================================= Two - Day Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) training - CCE Onondaga Tuesday, March 4, 2025 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) TrainingFruit and vegetable growers and others interested in learning about produce safety, the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule, Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), and co-management of natural resources and food safety.Food Safety and GAP Training March 4th 8:30 am - 4:30 pm, over ZoomA full day of information to ensure that sound food safety practices are being used on a farm or produce handling facility. You will learn the best agricultural practices to ensure that fruits and vegetables are produced, packed, handled, and stored in the safest manner possible to minimize risks of microbial food safety hazards.Participants may join Janet Oppedisano in the CCE Onondaga Classroom for virtual presentations from three experts: Robert Hadad, Vegetable Specialist with the Cornell Cooperative Extension Cornell Vegetable Program.Laura Biasillo, Agricultural Economic Development Specialist Cornell Cooperative Extension-Broome County Lindsey Pashow, Agritourism Statewide Specialist, Agriculture Business Development and Marketing Specialist CCE Harvest New YorkMarch 5th 9:00 am - 2:00 pm, In-person at CCE Onondaga 6505 Collamer Road Syracuse, NY 13057Using the knowledge gained from the virtual sessions on March 4th, participants will write their food safety plan in person at CCE Onondaga. The food safety plan is specific to each establishment and provides guidelines, policies, and procedures to be implemented and documented to minimize potential for microbial contamination."Developing a food safety plan is the first step in becoming GAP certified. The food safety plan is specific to each establishment and provides guidelines, policies, and procedures to be implemented and documented to minimize potential for microbial contamination. The plan lays the foundation for what the establishment is doing to produce safe products, as well as for how to handle events involving possible contamination.Once the food safety plan is written, the establishment will schedule an audit with NYS Ag & Markets. The operation should implement the practices and supporting documentation. The audit consists of steps that require the observation of various practices, as well as the review of supporting documentation in the food safety plan." https:// at $50 - Lunch includedPlease register by February 28, 2025See NYS Agriculture & Markets explaining GAP Certification and potential reimbursement for GAP Certification costs. $50 Registration: ========================================= Two - Day Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) training - CCE Onondaga Wednesday, March 5, 2025 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) TrainingFruit and vegetable growers and others interested in learning about produce safety, the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule, Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), and co-management of natural resources and food safety.Food Safety and GAP Training March 4th 8:30 am - 4:30 pm, over ZoomA full day of information to ensure that sound food safety practices are being used on a farm or produce handling facility. You will learn the best agricultural practices to ensure that fruits and vegetables are produced, packed, handled, and stored in the safest manner possible to minimize risks of microbial food safety hazards.Participants may join Janet Oppedisano in the CCE Onondaga Classroom for virtual presentations from three experts: Robert Hadad, Vegetable Specialist with the Cornell Cooperative Extension Cornell Vegetable Program.Laura Biasillo, Agricultural Economic Development Specialist Cornell Cooperative Extension-Broome County Lindsey Pashow, Agritourism Statewide Specialist, Agriculture Business Development and Marketing Specialist CCE Harvest New YorkMarch 5th 9:00 am - 2:00 pm, In-person at CCE Onondaga 6505 Collamer Road Syracuse, NY 13057Using the knowledge gained from the virtual sessions on March 4th, participants will write their food safety plan in person at CCE Onondaga. The food safety plan is specific to each establishment and provides guidelines, policies, and procedures to be implemented and documented to minimize potential for microbial contamination."Developing a food safety plan is the first step in becoming GAP certified. The food safety plan is specific to each establishment and provides guidelines, policies, and procedures to be implemented and documented to minimize potential for microbial contamination. The plan lays the foundation for what the establishment is doing to produce safe products, as well as for how to handle events involving possible contamination.Once the food safety plan is written, the establishment will schedule an audit with NYS Ag & Markets. The operation should implement the practices and supporting documentation. The audit consists of steps that require the observation of various practices, as well as the review of supporting documentation in the food safety plan." https:// at $50 - Lunch includedPlease register by February 28, 2025See NYS Agriculture & Markets explaining GAP Certification and potential reimbursement for GAP Certification costs. $50 Registration: ========================================= 2025 Home and Garden Show Friday, March 14, 2025 10:00 am - 5:00 pm NYS Fairgrounds, 581 State Fair Blvd. , Syracuse, New York 13209 The Home & Garden Show, one of the largest events of its kind in the Northeast, is where Central New Yorkers go to for the best advice and services needed to build, improve, and maintain their home.Be sure to stop by the Master Gardeners booth and attend some of our fantastic workshops! ========================================= Board Meeting Thursday, March 20, 2025 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Cornell Cooperative Extension of Onondaga County, 6505 Collamer Road , East Syracuse, NY 13057 Hillary Chartron-Bartholomew,, 315-424-9485 x234 ========================================= Ag Literacy Week: March 17-21, 2025 Monday, March 17, 2025 12:00 pm - 12:00 pm New York Ag-in-the-Classroom and the Cornell Cooperative Extension 4-H program invite you to be a reader for the annual Agriculture Literacy Week to be held March 17-21, 2025. 2,300 books were donated last year and 75,000 elementary students participated in an experiential learning activity.This Year's Book is, The Pie That Molly Grew Written by Sue Heavenrich Illustrated by Chamisa KelloggBeginning with the planting of a single seed, join Molly on the journey of bringing a pumpkin to harvest. Under Molly’s watchful eye and care, each stage of growth – from the seed to the sprout to the leaves to the final fruit on the vine – is showcased. At the end, Molly’s lovely pumpkin is turned into a delicious pie to one and all to share in a celebration of gratitude. All from the seed that Molly sowed.It is an honor to feature New York author Sue Heavenrich for our 2025 Agricultural Literacy Week program. Based in Tioga County, Sue is a lifelong lover of biology, gardening, and reading. A teacher of many sorts, Sue especially loves telling stories about the science she sees in her backyard, or in this case, her garden!Volunteer Volunteers will visit local elementary schools during Ag Literacy Week to read and talk to children about New York's agriculture industry. After the day's activities, the book will be donated to the school library for students and teachers to use throughout the school year. 2nd-grade teachers and volunteers who are interested in participating in NY Ag Literacy Week should call or email the contact for this page. Visit the New York State Ag in the Classroom website to learn more about statewide activities and to learn about agriculture-themed books that have been featured in other years. Robin Bartholomew,, x227 ========================================= International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Preparation Course Wednesday, February 26, 2025 12:00 pm - 12:00 pm CCE Onondaga Classroom, 6505 Collamer Road , East Syracuse, NY 13052 The ISA Prep Course is a program that provides training to prospective arborists, landscape professionals, municipal workers and members of the public who are interested in receiving the International Society of Arboriculture Certified Arborist credential. Weekly lectures will be taught by guest speakers and will cover the items on the ISA Certification Exam. The cost of the course also includes a copy of the Arborist Certification Guide. Program Design The ISA Prep Course will be a 5-part program and will be available both in person at CCE Onondaga (6505 Collamer Rd, East Syracuse NY 13057) or virtually via zoom. The interactive lecture schedule is below: Session 1: Tree Biology, Tree ID and Soil Science – 2/26/2025 Course 1: Tree Identification with Jennifer Julianna Lerner Lerner is the Senior Resources Educator at CCE Putnam County, with a Masters degree in Science and the Public. Time: 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm Topics to be discussed: structure and function of buds, leaves, trunk and roots; basic composition of a tree’s vascular system; roots and mycorrhizae, processes of photosynthesis and respiration, CODIT Course 2: Tree Biology with Rebecca Hargrave Rebecca Hargrave is an ISA Certified Arborist and Tree Risk Assessment Qualified. She is a professor of Arboriculture and Forestry at SUNY Morrisville and a Ph.D. candidate in Urban Forestry at UMass Amherst. Time: 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm Topics to be discussed: taxonomy and nomenclature; characteristics and how they can be used to identify trees; leaf arrangement, leaf shape and leaf margins Course 3: Soil Science with Nina Bassuk Bassuk holds a Bachelors and PhD in Horticulture. She was a tenured Cornell Professor of Urban Horticulture and authored over 100 papers on physiological problems of plants growing in urban environments. Time: 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm Topics to be discussed: soil texture and structure and how it affects water movement; relation of soil moisture, absorption and root growth; pH, CEC and buffering capacity Session 2: Water, Nutrition and Installation & Establishment – 3/5/25 Course 1: Plant Establishment with Dale Tuttle Tuttle is CNLP certified and the former President of Plant CNY. He has over 20 yearsof experience in nursery and landscape work. Time: 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm Topics to be discussed: techniques and procedures used to plant trees; varioustypes of planting stock and how to properly plant each time; requirements of newly planted trees Course 2: Plant Nutrition with Kelly Hennigan Hennigan is a Horticultural professional with a Master of Science (M.S.) focused in Ornamental Horticulture from Cornell University. She is a co-author of SUNY Morrisville’s Horticultural Business Management BT program and the author of the Cannabis Industry minor and Specialty Crops and Cannabis Production certificate. She has recently retired, after 23 years of teaching and developing hands-on learning for an array of plant science, biology, and environmental science courses. Time: 2:30 pm -3:30 pm Topics to be discussed: essential tree nutrients and how they are absorbed; reasons for fertilizing urban trees and types of fertilizer to be used; problems associated with excessive fertilization Session 3: Pruning, Diagnosis and Plant Healthcare – 3/12/25 Course 1: Plant Healthcare with Michael Mahanna Mahanna has been an ISA Certified Arborist for over 30 years. He is a retired professor at Hamilton College who now teaches courses at Hamilton Arboretum. Time: 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm Topics to be discussed: causes of plant disorders; steps in diagnosis; diagnostic tools; insects and diseases; abiotic problems; treatment Course 2: Pruning with Jeanne Grace Grace is an ISA Certified Arborist and Tree Risk Assessment Qualified. She is the Forester for the City of Ithaca. Time: 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm Topics to be discussed: pruning objectives; how trees respond to pruning; defining branch collar; branch size and branch protection zone; procedures and techniques used in pruning Session 4: Tree Risk Assessment, Construction & Urban Forestry – 3/19/25 Course 1: Tree Risk Assessment with Leanna Nugent Nugent is an ISA Certified Arborist and Tree Risk Assessment Qualified. She holds a Masters degree in Urban Forestry and is currently the Community Forestry Educator with CCE Onondaga. Time: 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm Topics to be discussed: tree risk assessment procedures; how decay contributes to tree failure; how tree risk can be mitigated; duty of an arborist when assessing tree condition Course 2: Trees and Construction with Jeffrey Romano Romano is an ISA Certified Arborist and currently works as a Forestry Technician for the City of Syracuse. Time: 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm Topics to be discussed: how trees can be injured or killed by construction; arborist’s role in planning and preventing tree damage; techniques used to preserve trees; treatment of trees damaged by construction Course 3: Urban Forestry with Deborah Hilbert Hilbert is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sustainable Resources Management at SUNY-ESF with training in urban landscaping and arboriculture. Time: 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm Topics to be discussed: environmental, economic, aesthetic and social benefits of trees; the role of an urban forester; how to plan and conduct a tree inventory; components of an urban forestry management plan Session 5: Safety, Climbing, Cabling and Lightning Protection with Jennifer Hause Wood – 3/26/25 Hause Wood is an ISA Certified Arborist and a NYS DEC Certified Pesticide Applicator. She is the President of Walker Tree Care. Time: 12:30 pm – 2:30 pm Topics to be discussed: appropriate safety standards for tree care operations; personal protective equipment and proper work zone procedures; potential hazards associated with working close to electric conductors; proper chainsaw procedures; safety equipment for climbing and working in trees; tree climbing techniques; principles of rigging and equipment needed **ISA Credits have been approved. CNLP Credits are pending. Cost of Program: Sessions 1 and 4 cost $130 and sessions 2, 3 and 5 cost $90. The cost to register for all 5 sessions is $595 and includes a copy of the Arborist Certification Guide. The minimum age to participate is 18 years old. If you have any questions, please contact Leanna at Varies Leanna Nugent,, x231 Registration: ========================================= Board Meeting Thursday, May 15, 2025 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Cornell Cooperative Extension of Onondaga County, 6505 Collamer Road , East Syracuse, NY 13057 Hillary Chartron-Bartholomew,, 315-424-9485 x234 ========================================= Office Closed Monday, May 26, 2025 12:00 pm - 12:00 pm ========================================= Office Closed Thursday, June 19, 2025 12:00 pm - 12:00 pm ========================================= Office Closed Friday, July 4, 2025 12:00 pm - 12:00 pm ========================================= 2025 4-H Camps at the Parks - Pratts Falls Week! Monday, July 7, 2025 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Camp Brockway, 7757 Pratts Falls Rd , Manlius, NY 13104 Ready for a summer full of fun, learning, and outdoor excitement? 4-H Camps are packed with hands-on experiences that will spark your child’s curiosity and energy! Kids ages 7-12 will jump into epic outdoor adventures, uncovering the secret lives of cool critters and creepy crawlies, learning how to stay safe while exploring nature, and discovering how clean water and mighty trees keep our world thriving! They'll discover the amazing science behind the land they love to play on!Plus, they’ll stay active with thrilling activities like hiking, archery, orienteering, and sports that keep them moving and having a blast. If your child loves the outdoors and is eager to explore, create, and play, then this is the camp they won’t want to miss! Register now for an adventure of a lifetime!GET READY for a summer of unforgettable memories and discovery! This summer, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Onondaga County is offering six summer camps at five different locations, including both County and City Parks! Youth are welcome to register and attend more than one camp this summer, but please keep in mind that programs will be repeated each week. Questions? Contact David Scholl, our camp director, at 315-424-9485 x250 or $150/week David Scholl,, x250 Registration: Registration Opening on Februrary 24th! ========================================= 2025 4-H Camps at the Parks - Highland Forest Week! Monday, July 14, 2025 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Highland Forest County Park, 1254 Highland Park Rd , Fabius, NY 13063 Ready for a summer full of fun, learning, and outdoor excitement? 4-H Camps are packed with hands-on experiences that will spark your child’s curiosity and energy! Kids ages 7-12 will jump into epic outdoor adventures, uncovering the secret lives of cool critters and creepy crawlies, learning how to stay safe while exploring nature, and discovering how clean water and mighty trees keep our world thriving! They'll discover the amazing science behind the land they love to play on!Plus, they’ll stay active with thrilling activities like hiking, archery, orienteering, and sports that keep them moving and having a blast. If your child loves the outdoors and is eager to explore, create, and play, then this is the camp they won’t want to miss! Register now for an adventure of a lifetime!GET READY for a summer of unforgettable memories and discovery! This summer, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Onondaga County is offering six summer camps at five different locations, including both County and City Parks! Youth are welcome to register and attend more than one camp this summer, but please keep in mind that programs will be repeated each week. Questions? Contact David Scholl, our camp director, at 315-424-9485 x250 or $150/week David Scholl,, x250 Registration: Registration Opening February 24th! ========================================= 2025 4-H Camps at the Parks - Oneida Shores Week! Monday, July 21, 2025 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Oneida Shores County Park, 9248 McKinley Ridge Rd , Brewerton, NY 13029 Ready for a summer full of fun, learning, and outdoor excitement? 4-H Camps are packed with hands-on experiences that will spark your child’s curiosity and energy! Kids ages 7-12 will jump into epic outdoor adventures, uncovering the secret lives of cool critters and creepy crawlies, learning how to stay safe while exploring nature, and discovering how clean water and mighty trees keep our world thriving! They'll discover the amazing science behind the land they love to play on!Plus, they’ll stay active with thrilling activities like hiking, archery, orienteering, and sports that keep them moving and having a blast. If your child loves the outdoors and is eager to explore, create, and play, then this is the camp they won’t want to miss! Register now for an adventure of a lifetime!GET READY for a summer of unforgettable memories and discovery! This summer, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Onondaga County is offering six summer camps at five different locations, including both County and City Parks! Youth are welcome to register and attend more than one camp this summer, but please keep in mind that programs will be repeated each week. Questions? Contact David Scholl, our camp director, at 315-424-9485 x250 or $150/week David Scholl,, x250 Registration: Registration Opening February 24th! ========================================= 2025 4-H Camps at the Parks - Long Branch Week! Monday, July 28, 2025 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Long Branch County Park, 3813 Long Branch Rd , Liverpool, NY 13090 Ready for a summer full of fun, learning, and outdoor excitement? 4-H Camps are packed with hands-on experiences that will spark your child’s curiosity and energy! Kids ages 7-12 will jump into epic outdoor adventures, uncovering the secret lives of cool critters and creepy crawlies, learning how to stay safe while exploring nature, and discovering how clean water and mighty trees keep our world thriving! They'll discover the amazing science behind the land they love to play on!Plus, they’ll stay active with thrilling activities like hiking, archery, orienteering, and sports that keep them moving and having a blast. If your child loves the outdoors and is eager to explore, create, and play, then this is the camp they won’t want to miss! Register now for an adventure of a lifetime!GET READY for a summer of unforgettable memories and discovery! This summer, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Onondaga County is offering six summer camps at five different locations, including both County and City Parks! Youth are welcome to register and attend more than one camp this summer, but please keep in mind that programs will be repeated each week. Questions? Contact David Scholl, our camp director, at 315-424-9485 x250 or $150/week Registration: Registration Opening February 24th! ========================================= 2025 4-H Camps at the Parks - Upper Onondaga City Park Week! Monday, August 4, 2025 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Upper Onondaga Park, Crosset St. & Clairmonte Ave , Syracuse, NY 13207 Ready for a summer full of fun, learning, and outdoor excitement? 4-H Camps are packed with hands-on experiences that will spark your child’s curiosity and energy! Kids ages 7-12 will jump into epic outdoor adventures, uncovering the secret lives of cool critters and creepy crawlies, learning how to stay safe while exploring nature, and discovering how clean water and mighty trees keep our world thriving! They'll discover the amazing science behind the land they love to play on!Plus, they’ll stay active with thrilling activities like hiking, archery, orienteering, and sports that keep them moving and having a blast. If your child loves the outdoors and is eager to explore, create, and play, then this is the camp they won’t want to miss! Register now for an adventure of a lifetime!GET READY for a summer of unforgettable memories and discovery! This summer, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Onondaga County is offering six summer camps at five different locations, including both County and City Parks! Youth are welcome to register and attend more than one camp this summer, but please keep in mind that programs will be repeated each week. Questions? Contact David Scholl, our camp director, at 315-424-9485 x250 or $150/week David Scholl,, x250 Registration: Registration Opening February 24th! ========================================= 2025 4-H Camps at the Parks - Another Week at Upper Onondaga City Park! Monday, August 11, 2025 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Upper Onondaga Park, Crosset St. & Clairmonte Ave , Syracuse, NY 13207 Ready for a summer full of fun, learning, and outdoor excitement? 4-H Camps are packed with hands-on experiences that will spark your child’s curiosity and energy! Kids ages 7-12 will jump into epic outdoor adventures, uncovering the secret lives of cool critters and creepy crawlies, learning how to stay safe while exploring nature, and discovering how clean water and mighty trees keep our world thriving! They'll discover the amazing science behind the land they love to play on!Plus, they’ll stay active with thrilling activities like hiking, archery, orienteering, and sports that keep them moving and having a blast. If your child loves the outdoors and is eager to explore, create, and play, then this is the camp they won’t want to miss! Register now for an adventure of a lifetime!GET READY for a summer of unforgettable memories and discovery! This summer, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Onondaga County is offering six summer camps at five different locations, including both County and City Parks! Youth are welcome to register and attend more than one camp this summer, but please keep in mind that programs will be repeated each week. Questions? Contact David Scholl, our camp director, at 315-424-9485 x250 or $150/week David Scholl,, x250 Registration: Registration Opening February 24th! ========================================= Office Closed Monday, September 1, 2025 12:00 pm - 12:00 pm ========================================= Board Meeting Thursday, September 4, 2025 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Cornell Cooperative Extension of Onondaga County, 6505 Collamer Road , East Syracuse, NY 13057 Hillary Chartron-Bartholomew,, 315-424-9485 x234 ========================================= Office Closed Monday, October 13, 2025 12:00 pm - 12:00 pm ========================================= 2025 Annual Meeting Thursday, October 16, 2025 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm Highland Forest County Park, 1254 Highland Park Rd , Fabius, NY 13063 The 2025 Annual Meeting will be held October 17th! Doors open at 5:00PM. We need to know that you are attending, so please register by October 8th - NEW EXTENDED DATE. Register here or through the link below!It is FREE to attend!!Please also take this opportunity to donate and support our wonderful programming and help the efforts of our educators and volunteers to continue to thrive.Donors will have their names printed in the 2025 Annual Meeting program booklet. If the donation arrives too late, the donor will still be recognized.Please visit and click the button to donate via PayPal.The 2024 Annual Meeting Minutes (link coming soon) will be voted on by current enrolled members. Hillary Chartron-Bartholomew,, 315-424-9485 x234 Registration: Open in Fall of 2025 ========================================= Office Closed Tuesday, November 11, 2025 12:00 pm - 12:00 pm ========================================= Office Closed Thursday, November 27, 2025 12:00 pm - 12:00 pm ========================================= Board Meeting Thursday, December 4, 2025 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Cornell Cooperative Extension of Onondaga County, 6505 Collamer Road , East Syracuse, NY 13057 Hillary Chartron-Bartholomew,, 315-424-9485 x234 ========================================= Office Closed Wednesday, December 24, 2025 12:00 pm - 12:00 pm =========================================