Cornell Cooperative Extension of Broome County, the Farmers Market Federation of NY, and Cornell Cooperative Extension offices across the state invite farmers market vendors to participate in an interactive discussion on how to use benchmarks and the data gathered from a statewide survey in the Summer of 2024 to inform pricing and marketing strategies at farmers markets to increase profitability in the 2025 market season.
Presenters will give an overview of what a benchmark is and how it can be used in decision-making as it relates to farmers market sales. Then participants will be invited to pair their own data from the 2024 market season and recommendations from the statewide data gathered in interactive, local, facilitated discussions. These discussions will be focused on strategies and recommendations that direct marketing farmers can use to increase their profitability at farmers markets in the upcoming season. Producers selling fruits, vegetables, proteins, eggs, baked goods, maple syrup, honey, and horticultural crops will find it useful to attend.
To increase accessibility and participation, participants may join a session either live at their local Cornell Cooperative Extension office or organization supporting farmers markets, or via zoom and be connected to those in their county or region via breakout rooms for the facilitated discussions. There is no charge to attend these sessions. The schedule and more information can be found by visiting the Farmers Market Benchmarks Project page, located here.
Benchmark data is region-specific. Sessions are either in person or via Zoom!
February 20th, 11:30am-1pm (Finger Lakes & Central NY Region)
(AKA the Farmers’ Museum), 5775 Route 80 (Lake Rd), Cooperstown
March 6th, 5:30-7pm (Finger Lakes & Central NY)
The Farmers Market Benchmarks project has been made possible through funding from USDA and Northeast Extension Risk Management Education. The Farmers Market Federation of New York and CCE Broome County are administering the project. This is material based upon work supported by USDA/NIFA under Award Number 2023-70027-40447.
Questions regarding this project can be sent to the Project Director, Laura Biasillo, at
Janet Oppedisano
Agriculture Team Leader
Last updated February 10, 2025