Zebra mussels
Plant and animal invasives threaten our watersheds here in the Finger Lakes and elsewhere, but residents can be informed, and learn ways to identify, report and help control their presence.
Zebra mussels filter vast amounts of plankton, which decreases the food source of other species and subsequently causes a lack of clarity in the water. Learn the dangers of zebra mussels and how to prevent their spread, here.
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The Asian Shore Crab originated in the western part of the Pacific Ocean and their growing population threaten both coastal ecosystems and aquaculture operations. Learn the dangers of Asian shore crab and how to prevent its spread, here.
Chinese mystery snails can form dense populations and outcompete native species for food and habitat in lakes and streams. Learn the dangers of Chinese mystery snail and how to prevent its spread, here.
Northern snakehead fish are highly invasive and have the potential to disrupt recreational and commercial fishing, harm native fish and wildlife, and impact our economy. Learn the dangers of snakeheads and how to prevent their spread, here.
Quagga mussel alters the food web by filtering water and removing plankton which reduces food for native populations of alewives, salmon, whitefish and native mussel species. Learn the dangers of quagga mussel and how to prevent its spread, here.
The round goby has invaded all of the Great Lakes and many of its tributaries through ballast water and natural migrations. Learn the dangers of round goby and how to prevent its spread, here.
Last updated July 26, 2019
Video produced by The Clean Boats Clean Tournaments project by the University of Wisconsin Sea Grant.
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