What is the Master Gardener Program?
The Master Gardener Program is a national program of trained volunteers who work in partnership with their county Cooperative Extension office to extend information throughout the community. The first Master Gardener program was started in Washington State in 1972. Forty-six states now have Master Gardener programs. For information on Master Gardeners within NYS visit the New York State Master Gardener Program website. CCE’s Master Gardener Volunteer program is an integral part of educational programs for home, school, and community gardeners at all levels of expertise.
Master Gardener Volunteer Training begins February, 2025
We are accepting applications for the next Master Gardener training class for 2025.
The 2025 Master Gardener training will include a combination of online materials in conjunction with in-person classes. The online work will be done on your own time. Classes include; reading selected educational material, watching lectures, module knowledge checks, and completing a final project. Trainees will be expected to complete all online assignments in accordance with the program.
In-person classes will be held tentatively on four Saturdays, in the spring of 2025. Virtual meetings will be held evenings, tentatively every other week, Wednesday evenings from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. These virtual meetings will include some lectures, but also will include hands-on activities to reinforce the topics covered in the online portion of the course. They will also allow trainees to get to know each other better and meet other active Master Gardener volunteers. The specific schedule dates and content will be finalized in the Winter of 2024.
The training expands beyond horticulture content to include skill development in communication, community leadership, peer education, and working with specific audiences such as children and youth or older adults.
Attendance at all Master Gardener Volunteer Training Class sessions is a requirement for completion of the Master Gardener Volunteer Course. Two emergency/medical absences are allowed, but the MG Coordinator must be informed in advance of absence. There is a fee for the training classes, currently it is $225 for an Onondaga County resident.
If you would like to reach beyond your garden gate to help individuals, families and communities in your area achieve gardening success that leads to a healthier life and environmental stewardship, please complete the application (link below) or contact CCE Onondaga 315-424-9485 ex.236.
Return applications to Kathleen Burns Copeletti: kab462@cornell.edu
Qualification for Trainees
Master Gardener trainees should have a basic knowledge of gardening; free time to participate in volunteer activities; enthusiasm for acquiring and sharing horticultural knowledge and skills; an ability to communicate; a willingness to participate in educational activities and enough time to do so. Volunteer selection is made after completing both a written application and a reference check. Priority for selection is given to Onondaga County residents. Guidelines: Master Gardener Guidelines
Who becomes a Master Gardener?
Master Gardeners enjoy people and plants. They usually have no professional gardening or landscaping experience, only a genuine interest in sharing their knowledge, and sufficient free time to volunteer in Master Gardener activities.
How do I become a Master Gardener?
Advanced instruction is offered, and special seminars and workshops are held so that Master Gardeners are kept current on gardening information and methods.
Master Gardeners are trained volunteers of Cornell Cooperative Extension of Onondaga County assisting to expand the agency’s educational outreach by providing home gardeners with research-based information.
Volunteer Commitment
In exchange for the training, each Master Gardener must provide Cornell Cooperative Extension of Onondaga County with an additional 50 hours of service per year upon completion of the training program. To fulfill the volunteer commitment, Master Gardeners may answer gardening questions through our “Hot Line”, teach gardening classes, mentor youth in gardening skills and projects, organize and run the annual Plant Sale, write articles for publication, present or host demonstrations for groups, help develop gardens for community groups, and table at various community events. New program initiatives are always welcomed.
Current Master Gardener Program in Onondaga County
Right now, we have approximately 112 active Master Gardeners who volunteer in numerous ways in the local community. It is a very popular program and growing every year.
What are some of the Master Gardener projects in Onondaga County?
After acceptance into the program, each MG will receive training from Cornell University professors and professionals working in the horticultural field. Training classes will be a combination of online and in-person learning from February to June 2025, All Master Gardener training class sessions and the completion of a final project are a requirement for completion of the Master Gardener Course.
Kathleen Burns Copeletti
Master Gardener Volunteer Coordinator
Last updated January 7, 2025