Blazing Stars 4-H Club

Blazing Stars Club learning to make jelly!

Clover Club

Members of the Clover Club at their induction of officers meeting.

Candie Cuties

Candy Cuties doing a lesson on water sheds!

Empire Farm Days Helpers

Members of the Future of the Fingerlakes 4-H Club representing 4-H at the Empire Farm Days

4-H Clubs

Click here for a current map of 4-H clubs in Onondaga County!

Spark clubs and SPIN clubs are excellent opportunities to get started with 4-H. Read about sparks or contact the 4-H team at CCE Onondaga to learn more.

Starting A 4-H Club

How do you get a 4-H group started?

  • You need at least five young people 5 to18 years old and at least two adult leaders who are willing to help. A 4-H Educator is available to assist you with everything you need to get started.

When can I join 4-H?

  • You can join 4-H at any time of the year, however, clubs of any size are usually formed in the fall of the year.

How big should a club be?

  • This depends on the age of the members, where they meet and the leadership available. The average club in Ontario County usually has five to ten members and two or three leaders. All new clubs are encouraged to start small and increase in size when the club leaders feel comfortable. Ontario County 4-H does offer the opportunity for individuals to be members of 4-H in family memberships.

What about officers?

  • 4-H clubs may have officers. The 4-H Office provides helpful materials for presidents, vice-presidents, secretaries, treasurers, news reporters, recreation leaders, and historians. It is a good idea to wait until the second or third meeting to elect officers, when members have gotten to know one another. The club format is an excellent vehicle for leadership development!

How much does it cost?

  • $25.00 per member with a family rate. The fee covers insurance, newsletters and other notices. If a club wants money for activities, it usually charges dues or conducts a fundraising activity. Dues may not be used to keep someone from joining 4-H.

Is there more to the club experience?

  • Yes! Opportunities abound for 4-H’ers to expand their experiences through countywide programs. These programs provide higher levels of learning and achievement along with forums for youth to share what has been learned. The programs also offer opportunities to meet youth throughout the county, the region, the state and the nation!

The 4-H Club’s goal is long-term youth development, which encourages its participants to learn life skills to help them grow into healthy and productive citizens. Onondaga County 4-H Program enrolls youth that are ages 5-18. Call the CCE of Onondaga for more information.

Last updated February 7, 2024